Yay 2nd trimester!
I realize that I haven't updated this in a while, so here I am...
Luckily the spotting scare only lasted those few days. All has looked good since then, and happily some of the crappy side effects are getting better!
About 2 weeks ago my nausea really started to subside. I still have a weaker stomach than I had in the past, but now it takes a specific smell or sight (generally moldy food) to set it off. In fact, I can't even think of some things without gagging...
The exhaustion is passing too. I find that my energy levels during the day are much better, but I'm tired earlier. Which is tough when Todd doesn't get home til 10:45 and I'm already asleep, but we're making up for it on the days that we're both around.
I had a doctor's appointment last week. Everything looked good, and I heard the heartbeat again...a "perfect 150 BPM" to quote Dr. Shay. I'm scheduled for my next visit on August 21st, where I'll also have my next ultrasound! Even though we've decided to wait til the birth to find out the sex, part of me would LOVE to find out if my guess is right. My guess being that this baby is a boy. Maybe that's just because Kirsten has had all girls, or because we had his name picked out from the start, but that's still my gut instinct. I guess we'll find out if I'm right in January!
Well I'm now getting hungry, so time to throw some steaks on the grill - YUM!
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