Monday, August 28, 2006

19 weeks...almost halfway!

I realized it's been about a month since the last update...although at this point, there isn't much to update on a daily, or even weekly basis.

A week ago we had our ultrasound. I was so excited that Todd was able to come. The first thing we saw was the top of the head. I know that the purpose of the u/s is to get proper measurements and make sure the baby is growing properly, but I really just wanted to tell the tech "I see the head, move on to the face!". In time he did, and we were able to see our baby's sweet profile. It came as no surprise to see that the baby already seems to have a pronounced chin. Given that's one of the physical traits Todd and I share, it was really amazing to me to see that in our child. It just reminded me that this baby is US. It's a completely wild concept to me. :-)

We were able to see all the important parts, and per our wishes, the tech didn't go searching for other important parts that would give away the gender. My instinct is still a boy, but wh knows whether or not I'm right on that one!

The only thing the baby didn't cooperate on was getting it's spine measured. Everytime the tech thought he was at the right angle, the baby would just wiggle away. So back I go on September 7th, to get better spinal measurements, as well as a better shot of the heart. All in all though, the doctor said our baby looks great, perfectly healthy and right on track!

I'm starting to look slightly more pregnant, if only to myself. :-) My stomach is definitely solid now, and the doctor said that more that likely, in the next few weeks my belly will really pop out. I have to admit, I can't wait! I'm really ready to look pregnant. But I also have to remember that I'm not quite 5 months yet either, and even women without a little extra don't always show this early into their first pregnancy.

I've started to feel the tiniest bit of flutters that I'm pretty sure are the baby moving around. It's not consistent, but it's enough that I'm thinking it's actually the child and not just dinner digesting. I can't wait to feel it a bit more solidly though, and for Todd to be able to feel a kick or two himself!

Well that's about where we're at now...


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