6ish weeks left!
Well I never did post after my last MD appt on Monday. I saw Dr. Eldredge again - funny how he's grown on me. At first I've been bummed at getting him every week, but now that there are some issues that they're watching, I'm actually kind of glad to be getting the continuity of Dr. Eldredge, and knowing that he already knows my background.
Now as for issues that they're watching...after several weeks of borderline blood pressure readings, Dr. Eldredge has decided that I am to be officially diagnosed with mild chronic hypertension. My blood pressure isn't at a level where I need to stop working, or go on bedrest, but at the same time Dr. Eldredge said that for the next 6 weeks they'll be watching me like a hawk, and basically said to prepare for the possibility of delivering prior to my due date. So there's nothing in stone yet - I could still go til the 20th. But the doctor said that if my blood pressure remains a concern, once we know that the baby is fully developed and viable outside of me, there's no reason to keep me pregnant. So who knows, I could still be 30 when I have this baby - I guess we'll just wait and see.
One thing that this solidified for me was my end of work date. I'd been debating between stopping on 1/5 or 1/12. Knowing that there's a very good chance that I'll go early, I advised work that my last day will definitely be 1/5, unless the doctor pulls me out of work earlier. If I go all that time, that leaves me with only 4 weeks left of work! Chrissy and Ann are both realizing that I will be going, and have both let me know that I'll be missed.
Speaking of work...I am working tomorrow, and want to head to bed early...so I'm thinking a nice warm bath, a good book and I could be sound asleep by 10.
Until later...
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