Friday, December 29, 2006

How can it be less than a month?!?

I realized that I actually have had 2 appointments since I last updated, so here goes.

Last Tuesday, the 19th, I had my usual appointment with Dr. Crandall. Weighed in, took the BP and peed in the cup. The BP was about the same as it has been. I discussed going on disability with Dr. Crandall, who seemed far more concerned about the possibility of pre-eclampsia than Dr. Eldredge. When I let him know that I get full disability, and have just been more and more tired with a greater feeling of stress while I'm at work, he agreed that maybe taking some extra time to rest isn't such a bad idea! So we agreed that I'd finish out the week to get things wrapped up, and effective 12/23, I officially started my disability.

I'd like to say I've been sitting doing nothing since then, but what do I do my first official day of disability? I have 15 people come over for a sit down dinner! It was Christmas with my dad's side of the family, and it was potluck affair, so it wasn't complete stress on me. Jane came and helped me ge the house ready, and as much as I should have rested, I really didn't. My feet were huge by the time everyone left, and Todd and I were in bed by 9:30! Of course, Todd had worked that morning starting at 4:45 AM, and since I woke up when he did, I only stayed in bed til about 5:30. It was a long day, but really quite a success, and I can see hosting Christmas with the Rowell's for a number of years to come.

Sunday and Monday were a bit more low key, which was good, because we needed it! Sunday was Christmas at Jane's, with just a few errands in the morning, and some fine napping in the late morning/early afternoon! Monday we slept late, did our presents and then headed up to Mom's. Another nice, relaxing Christmas, as I always find it to be at Mom's house.

Tuesday and Wednesday were really more recovery days than anything, with a little bit of picking up the house here and there. Todd and I have found that it's been easier to just work on a little bit at a time, then go lay down. Well I lay down, and he would head to the workshop.

Yesterday I had my next appointment, but not til 4 so I went and visited Molly & Chelsey. I got to see her beautiful new house, and I must have spent a least 2 hours just holding that baby! She is absolutely beautiful, and really makes me want to meet this little one so much more.

Finally I made it to my MD appointment, but ran into traffic so I was running late. I figured that would probably do wonders for my BP. Apparently not working must agree with me, since my BP was down to 126/80! It hasn't been that low in weeks! I saw Dr. Schlacter this week, and he said everything looks good. BP is cooperating, baby's heartbeat is strong, weight gain wasn't too too bad considering I'd had 3 days in a row of holiday gatherings! I asked for an estimate on the baby's size, and he said that from what he can tell it looks like I'm probably on target to have an average sized baby - somewhere in the 7-8 pound range.

I go back on January 8th, since that's the earliest they could get me in.

So I'm down to 3 weeks, 1 day til my due date. I can't believe that after all this time (not just the pregnancy, but from when we finally decided that we were ready to become parents) our precious baby will join our family!!! Willizabeth, Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you!!!


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