Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day Todd!

I've been waiting so many years to be able to say that to him! Now granted, it does seem a little strange to celebrate without an actual child here, he's still a father. As I wrote in the little book on dad's that I gave him (as if I were the baby), "I may not be ready to come out and celebrate with you this year, but next year I'll be here to give you lots of hugs and kisses."

I don't know if it's intuition, or just knowing what the name will be if it's a boy, but right now my instinct is telling me we're having a boy. Don't ask me why...I just know when I picture this baby, I picture a little boy. It's going to make not finding out very difficult, because I hate waiting to see whether I'm right about things or not!

Well the daddy will be home shortly, and it's hotter than heck up here, so I'm making my way back downstairs to where it's at least a little cooler. Of course, the basement is the most comfortable area in the house right now, but no TV down there yet, and we have a hot date for "March of the Penguins" tonight. :-)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

9 weeks's hard to believe that I'm so far into my first trimester already! This weekend I had a friend's daughter asking all sorts of questions. She's 22, and just hasn't been around a whole bunch of pregnant women in her day. I was asked if I felt pregnant - which I do, but obviously not because I'm feeling the baby. More due to the sore boobs, the exhaustion and morning sickness! Last night the boobs were killing me - I was wishing that they were detatchable! Todd's a trooper - he wishes he could do more for me, but for now just gives me the sympathy that I need from him. :-)

So not much to report, since the symptoms haven't changed, I still look the same and most importantly, I'm still pregnant. 9 down, 31 to go!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Morning sickness...

So at the 7 week mark, morning sickness has decided to make it's debut. I've been lucky, I suppose, not much actual vomiting, but just being queasy all the time is NO fun. As my friend Meg reminded me though, that's a good sign. It means that the pregnancy is progressing along.

I'm still not sure how 100% real this all seems to me. I mean, I definitely know I'm pregnant, and feel it. I think it's the fact that I haven't changed physically yet and can't feel the baby yet. It's just strange to me at times to realize that this year will be our last year of holidays and celebrations as just us.

Now don't get me wrong - we're both ready for this step. We've been just the two of us for nearly 9 years now. That's a long time! We've got a lifestyle that we're used to...sleeping in, schedule flexibility, basically not a ton of responsibilities! I know that they good parts of parenthood will outweigh the parts that will make us look at each other saying "And we REALLY wanted this?". I think it's just hitting me that in 2007, my life changes FOREVER.

But it's the best reason for change that I can think of, and I can't wait.