So here I am, at almost 25 weeks - it's going so quickly!
In the past week I've really popped out - there's really no denying that I'm pregnant now. :-) And this little one has gone from the occasional flutterings to out and out kicks. I've even seen a few from the outside! It just absolutely blows my mind to think that I've got this tiny little person growing inside of me. I know that this can been going on for centuries, so I try not to be one of those women who acts as though she is the first woman EVER to have conceived, but given that this is my first child, I think I am entitled so that sense of awe and wonder...which is why I share that here, and don't subject it to anyone who doesn't stop by on their own. :-)
Today I had my glucose tolerance test. I must admit, it was far better than I'd expected it to be. Everyone had me thinking that the drink was going to be SOOO bad, and in reality it tasted like McDonald's Orange Drink that hadn't been watered down enough. Then an hour later I had a blood draw, and the results will be back tomorrow. After the lab, I headed upstairs, this time for an appointment with Dr. Schlachter. I remember seeing his name (Jerome Schlachter) and picturing a little old man, and even thinking that I really hoped he wasn't on call when the baby was born. Well I take it back! He was wonderful. My last appointment was with Dr. Eldredge, and I walked away less than impressed. He never even introduced himself to me, and it was the first time I'd met him. That, and he had a whole conversation, IN SPANISH, with the nurse while I just sat there. They were speaking Spanish to not break confidentiality about another patient, however I know enough Spanish to have figured out her situation. So bad taste, but Dr. Schlachter made up for it. He asked if I had questions, explained some possible issues to me, and overall made me feel good.
So yes, there's one thing we're keeping an eye on - my blood pressure. I have a history of what they call "White Coat Hypertension". It's almost a guarantee that my blood pressure will be high the first time it's taken, but in time will go back to a normal range. And then, because it's high, I worry about it at the next visit - it's really a vicious cycle. But anyway, we're going to keep an eye on my blood pressure, as the doctor doesn't want me to suffer from toxemia/pre-eclampsia.
All in all things are going well. The baby is developing right on target, or at least from how my fundus is measuring. :-) I really do feel good, and can happily say that I'm enjoying this pregnancy.