Friday, December 29, 2006

How can it be less than a month?!?

I realized that I actually have had 2 appointments since I last updated, so here goes.

Last Tuesday, the 19th, I had my usual appointment with Dr. Crandall. Weighed in, took the BP and peed in the cup. The BP was about the same as it has been. I discussed going on disability with Dr. Crandall, who seemed far more concerned about the possibility of pre-eclampsia than Dr. Eldredge. When I let him know that I get full disability, and have just been more and more tired with a greater feeling of stress while I'm at work, he agreed that maybe taking some extra time to rest isn't such a bad idea! So we agreed that I'd finish out the week to get things wrapped up, and effective 12/23, I officially started my disability.

I'd like to say I've been sitting doing nothing since then, but what do I do my first official day of disability? I have 15 people come over for a sit down dinner! It was Christmas with my dad's side of the family, and it was potluck affair, so it wasn't complete stress on me. Jane came and helped me ge the house ready, and as much as I should have rested, I really didn't. My feet were huge by the time everyone left, and Todd and I were in bed by 9:30! Of course, Todd had worked that morning starting at 4:45 AM, and since I woke up when he did, I only stayed in bed til about 5:30. It was a long day, but really quite a success, and I can see hosting Christmas with the Rowell's for a number of years to come.

Sunday and Monday were a bit more low key, which was good, because we needed it! Sunday was Christmas at Jane's, with just a few errands in the morning, and some fine napping in the late morning/early afternoon! Monday we slept late, did our presents and then headed up to Mom's. Another nice, relaxing Christmas, as I always find it to be at Mom's house.

Tuesday and Wednesday were really more recovery days than anything, with a little bit of picking up the house here and there. Todd and I have found that it's been easier to just work on a little bit at a time, then go lay down. Well I lay down, and he would head to the workshop.

Yesterday I had my next appointment, but not til 4 so I went and visited Molly & Chelsey. I got to see her beautiful new house, and I must have spent a least 2 hours just holding that baby! She is absolutely beautiful, and really makes me want to meet this little one so much more.

Finally I made it to my MD appointment, but ran into traffic so I was running late. I figured that would probably do wonders for my BP. Apparently not working must agree with me, since my BP was down to 126/80! It hasn't been that low in weeks! I saw Dr. Schlacter this week, and he said everything looks good. BP is cooperating, baby's heartbeat is strong, weight gain wasn't too too bad considering I'd had 3 days in a row of holiday gatherings! I asked for an estimate on the baby's size, and he said that from what he can tell it looks like I'm probably on target to have an average sized baby - somewhere in the 7-8 pound range.

I go back on January 8th, since that's the earliest they could get me in.

So I'm down to 3 weeks, 1 day til my due date. I can't believe that after all this time (not just the pregnancy, but from when we finally decided that we were ready to become parents) our precious baby will join our family!!! Willizabeth, Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you!!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

This week's MD Appt Update...

I just got home from the doctor's office, a little disappointed but realistically happy.

The little bit disappointed comes from the fact that Dr. Eldredge seems to think that I'm fine to keep working and didn't feel the need to sign disability papers for me yet! :-( So while I'm bummed to be going back to work next week, at the same time I'm very thankful that I'm healthy enough to keep working, that the baby's health is not at risk either.

So my stats - BP was 142/96 - stabilized according to the doctor. I gained 1 lb in about a week and a half, bringing me to 32 lbs total weight gain. If I can keep at this rate, hopefully I will keep with my goal of not going over 40 lbs!

One unexpected thing today was an internal exam. They had to take a swab from my cervix to check for a GBS (?) infection - I wasn't expecting that! While I was already there with no pants on, the doctor decided to check the cervix - he said the baby is low, mentioned 1 fingertip - I don't know if that was him telling me he had 1 fingertip in there, or if I was dilated 1 fingertip? I always forget to ask these things until after I'm off the table. Either way he did say that the baby could be a little closer to arrival than the due date. Which is what he told me last week with the blood pressure! We'll see what answers I get on Tuesday - I go back, this time with Dr. Crandall.

On an unrelated note to the MD appt, the nursery is almost done being put together! We've got the crib and the dresser in, along with a table and lamp. Now Todd just needs to get the changing table upstairs, we need to move all of the baby's stuff in and voila, the nursery is done! It makes it far more real that this baby will be joining us soon when you look at the room all put together.

That's all for now...I think I'm going to try and get in a quick nap before we go out to Alex's school play tonight. I'm so glad Todd has the day off too - I don't have to drive! :-)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

6ish weeks left!

Well I never did post after my last MD appt on Monday. I saw Dr. Eldredge again - funny how he's grown on me. At first I've been bummed at getting him every week, but now that there are some issues that they're watching, I'm actually kind of glad to be getting the continuity of Dr. Eldredge, and knowing that he already knows my background.

Now as for issues that they're watching...after several weeks of borderline blood pressure readings, Dr. Eldredge has decided that I am to be officially diagnosed with mild chronic hypertension. My blood pressure isn't at a level where I need to stop working, or go on bedrest, but at the same time Dr. Eldredge said that for the next 6 weeks they'll be watching me like a hawk, and basically said to prepare for the possibility of delivering prior to my due date. So there's nothing in stone yet - I could still go til the 20th. But the doctor said that if my blood pressure remains a concern, once we know that the baby is fully developed and viable outside of me, there's no reason to keep me pregnant. So who knows, I could still be 30 when I have this baby - I guess we'll just wait and see.

One thing that this solidified for me was my end of work date. I'd been debating between stopping on 1/5 or 1/12. Knowing that there's a very good chance that I'll go early, I advised work that my last day will definitely be 1/5, unless the doctor pulls me out of work earlier. If I go all that time, that leaves me with only 4 weeks left of work! Chrissy and Ann are both realizing that I will be going, and have both let me know that I'll be missed.

Speaking of work...I am working tomorrow, and want to head to bed I'm thinking a nice warm bath, a good book and I could be sound asleep by 10.

Until later...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

33 weeks...

I know I say this is darn near every post, but this pregnancy really is flying by! Only about 7 weeks left to go - it's just crazy to think of. I've got probably about 5 weeks left of work - it's really time for me to start making up actual lists of my responsibilities, figuring out who will be handling what, and doing everything I need to do to make sure my maternity leave pay will come in a timely manner. It's winding down, that's for sure. I just put out the December schedule at work, and realized that more than likely, it ends on my last day (January 5th). I'm still up in the air about taking 2 weeks before my due date or just 1, but with every passing day, and how tired I get, I'm thinking that if I can make it through the holidays, that will be enough for me in terms of work.

Now while work feels like a big thing, I know that really it isn't - we really need to finish preparing for this baby's arrival! At this point the nursery is painted - we still need to clean the floor, get the furniture in and start moving baby's stuff in. After tomorrow, baby will have much more stuff, that's for sure. Kirsten (along with assorted family members) are throwing me a shower. There will be about 30 people there - I think it will be fun. One person that won't be there that makes me sad is Annie. I know that we're not super close - it's hard to be when there's a 14 year age difference, and a strained relationship with the parents. But at the end of the day, she's still my sister and always will be. I may have issues with Kathy, and if she didn't want to come, fine. But Annie is still my sister, and I know that her not driving and living an hour away makes getting someplace without a parent nearly impossible. But my feelings are still incredibly hurt that she'll be missing this day in my life. It may not seem a huge deal to some, but it is to me. What's worst is that for as long as I can remember, I've gotten a ration of sh*t from Dad and Kathy about being a good sister to Annie. Well I've decided that should they EVER pull that line with me again, well, let's just say my reply will be something my child will have to put the Old School earmuffs on for.

Kirsten almost didn't want to tell me, but I'm glad she did. This way I can be mad about it today, get my feelings out here, and get it out. I don't want these hurt feelings to ruin what I'm sure will be a great day. I need to focus on the people who do love Todd and I enough to join me (as Todd will be working) and celebrate the coming of our baby. I've said before that even though it hurs not being as close to Dad as I'd like, I know that my children will not lack for grandparents who love them, and will be an active part of their lives. Look at Kirsten's girls - those kids have more people they call Grammy and Grampy than they know what to do with!

Well enough of my sad rant - happy thoughts. I can't WAIT for the shower tomorrow. Alex was telling me how she thinks my special baby party will be lots of fun. When I left their house last night I got my usual hugs and kisses (well, except from Viktoria, but she'd just woken from a nap and was a cranky pants), and then Alex gave my belly a second hug. I can't wait for these girls to meet their new cousin. As hard as it was at times for me to see Kirsten have her girls, every day I am thankful to have them, and know that my own kids will be blessed to have such fun cousins in their lives!

I think I'm getting kicked for breakfast now...I'll write about the shower in a few days!
